Apr 01 2014 Metamorphosis of a Butterfly Posted by cdollin For my Image Methodology class I was required to make an animation that showed a process. The process that I chose to animate was the metamorphosis of a butterfly. I decided to hand draw all of the elements of this animation as a challenge to myself as I have always been interested in integrating my graphic design work with my fine arts work. This project required a lot of work and it is amazing to think that it took me a month to complete now that I am significantly more proficient at adobe after effects. When I made this video it was a real challenge for me to get the elements of my animation to move exactly how I wanted them to, but I am happy with the overall finished product. It is nice to watch this now and see how far my understand of not only after effects, but also Illustrator has come. I really enjoyed creating this animation and feel that it was definitely my strongest project from my Image Methodology class.