What do I want to be when I grow up?

The funny thing is that I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do when I was just a kid. At first, working with Pixar Animation Studios was my calling. The movie Toy Story got me hooked and I was just so interested in how animation worked along with the amazingly creative stories that had made the movie come alive. Next, I wanted to be a comic book illustrator. I spent most of my intermediate schooling days coming up with new concepts and drawing illustrations that eventually all came together to form my own comic books. However, just recently I had wanted to be a graphic designer believing it would be the appropriate field for me to express my creative and technical aspects. Now I’m in college, looking to find my future career even though I don’t even know what I want to be when “I grow up.” My views have constantly been changing and I’m still trying to explore other possible options for my future. At least, I know that I want to graduate form St. Edward’s some time soon and that I’ve still got time. Hopefully, I end up successful doing what I really love.

Dream Spring Schedule

My dream schedule for the Spring wouldn’t consist of any early morning classes. Anything ranging from noon to mid-afternoon each day would be ideal. I would then be able to enjoy a large a portion of the day doing exercise, work, etc. I also wouldn’t mind taking courses outside of my major’s specifications. This way I could explore other areas of study in order to really get an accurate idea of what i want to do in life.

Time Management

I’d like to say that my time is used wisely even though most of the time that’s not the case. 60% of my time is productive while the other 40% is  consumed by procrastination. However, over time I’ve learned to manage time more efficiently through organization, prioritization, and determination. Creating a mental list as well as a physical list of what I need to do one day at a time keeps me on track. While monitoring how I use my time over a week I’ve come to realize that my time mainly revolves around school, meals, workouts, and work. School comes first throughout the week followed by time allotted for homework and an hour of exercise. I work on Fridays and Saturdays; about 4-6 hours a day. Sundays are then used to catch up on sleep. homework, chores, or anything else that needs to be done. for the most part I believe my week is used constructively.

Artist Research

J.D. Hillberry is a skilled graphite/charcoal pencil artist that’s recently gained significant recognition for his many works. I favor J.D. Hillberry’s pieces that focus on trompe l’oeil, an artwork that deals with fooling the viewer’s eye by making drawn  2-D representations of objects actually look  three-dimensional. One of my favorite pieces is “Escher’s Nightmare,” a drawing based on a lithograph done by M. C. Escher entitled “Hands Drawing Hands”. However, in Hillberry’s drawing, instead of the hands working as a team to create each other, his version depicts one hand attempting to destroy its creator. Everything in the drawing is drawn using carbon, graphite, and charcoal.