Type Specimen Book

Book Cover Small

inside cover small



Type Specimen Book- Cover and Inside Cover

In this project we chose a specific typeface (ITC Galliard in my case) and made a type specimen book to showcase its different weights and how it would look in different situations. I learned how to use InDesign and the basics of formatting a book. This project helped me see how type can be used to emphasize the meaning of the text just my changing the size or the weights such as bold, light or italic.  


Design Culture Now



Poster1-Final-01-smallIn the Design Culture Now project, we were to create a poster for an event using illustrator. We took into account who the people were and the nature of the event. In this project, I learned about using a grid system to organize the content. I also learned how to show hierarchy by choosing different typefaces, changing the size and color and by the placement on the poster. Design wise, although gradients are normally avoided, I think that they work well on this poster because they have a subtle transition and the black surrounding it balances all the color.




 In this project we designed our own typeface using Illustrator. We began by making various iterations  of different typefaces in a grid with only the letters A, B,C , P, Q and R .After choosing the one we felt was strongest we made various drafts to polish the final letters. After finishing this project, I learned how long the process to make your own typeface is and how much thought and detail goes into creating one. It also explains why they’re so expensive.