Interview Booklet

For this project we created and designed the content as well as hand-bound the booklet.  We all conducted and recorded a 15 minute interview of one of our classmates. Then we made a transcript and edited to half the length and this became the content for our booklet. We designed the size of our book based on the typeface, leading and point size we chose. Then, after making various proofs, we learned how to make imposition dummies on our press-sheets. After the files were  finalized, we sent it to our rizo printing press.  After we received are sheets back we folded, hand-bound and trimmed our booklets to create our final product. We made about 25 copies each. While these booklets did not incorporate a  lot of design in terms of visual elements,  I learned a lot about the printing process and all the work that goes into printing books and assembling them into one final product.

Adventure 5- Adventure!


The objective for this project was to go out on someone else’s adventure from project 3 and make a 30 second video. My place was the Mayfield Preserve and according to the instructions, I was to go look at the area were the peacocks were and this was supposed to give me a sense of wonder. After actually going and looking at these birds, it was not hard at all. I really enjoyed the visit and I tried to portray the peace and wonder I felt in my 30 second video.

I went twice for shooting since I was barely learning how to use the camera and there were some technical issues like overblown shots and out of focus scenes but I got better by the second time. I also returned so I could re-shoot scenes with a better composition. During the editing faze, I tried to cut the footage and edit it so it matched the music and it built up to revealing the peacock. Overall, I am satisfied with the video although I feel like a few of the shots could have a better composition.

Adventure 4- Tournament!



For adventure 4, we revisited the games we modified in adventure 2 to play as a tournament. We chose one as a class for this adventure and split into teams of four. The objective of this project was to come up with the team name, color as well as our individual nickname and then have them screen-printed on t-shirts. The team name design was made as a team and the nickname design was made individually.

Our team name was “Infection”. After many iterations, we decided we wanted our design to look intimidating so we used a bold san-serif font and made it look like the shirt was drooping over it as well as the name dripping down. We opted for green as our shirt color to make it look like slime and chose black for the design.

For our individual names, we chose various monsters to keep with the theme of intimidating. My individual nickname was Basilisk. Out team decided to have the name and an image representing the monster. I made the design really bold and simple, but after finishing, I think that I would have liked to add more detail to it.

Adventure 3: Instructions

Buttons Go Here!Adventure-3-Pictures

For the Adventure 3 project we had to go out and explore different places in Austin and then post about them in one of our social media such as Facebook or Instagram.  Then we had to choose 2 places and write instructions so that someone else could have the same experience and feel the same emotion as us. For the final product we made mementos for the two experiences and packaged them along with our instructions.  Someone who completed the instructions would then earn the mementos.   After this project I realized that if we take the time to explore, there are many things in the city we might have never noticed before.




Adventure 1: Groundwork

Items in my Bag

In the Adventure 1 project, we had to pack a bag that we would take with us if we were to go exploring the city and then photograph all our contents and make a poster in InDesign. In this project, I learned how to isolate objects in Photoshop and after looking at other’s posters I also realized how the items of a bag can tell a lot about a person.