Critical Mass

Note: This video has music.

For the critical mass project we had to make a video in which there was an allegory for a scientific term, in my case it was Evaporation. This project introduced me to After Effects and I learned how much time and work goes into animation. I also realized that despite all the work, I really enjoy making animations. This has been perhaps one of my favorite projects so far.

Scales: Combine

Prompt- Love

In the Combine project, we had to choose prompts at random then answer the questions with collages created in Photoshop. We gathered a lot of textures and images for our collages by scanning them in weird ways. I had a hard time making the collage because I didn’t know how to use Photoshop to select specific sections at first.

Material Studies

Process Book
The Material Studies project was about using everyday objects to create our own typeface. After experimenting with various materials, I chose plastic vampire fangs because I felt it was the strongest out of all the materials I experimented with. Afterwards, I named my typeface “Bitten” because I thought that it represented the essence of the material. For our final product, we turned in a process book with all our research and experimentation and a poster that had the name of our typeface placed in an environment that went with its name and material.

Scales: Construct

In this project we had to make sculptures that represented the four elements: fire, water, air and earth and then photograph them. I chose to make all of mine out of play dough and focused on using the color and shape to portray the element. While I was photographing them, I also learned how specific lighting and background can play an important role to the overall composition of a picture.

Scavenger Hunt

Screen shot 2014-03-21 at 4.39.24 PM

Scavenger Hunt Website

The objective of this project was to take pictures of things in our surroundings and then connect them to each other using the elements of design. Then we had to place them in Photoshop and turn them into a Jpeg to display on a webpage.  The part that was difficult for me was trying to connect the pictures to each other and avoid repeating the element of design in the other pictures. 

Scales: Look


For this project, we had to photograph objects in our surroundings that looked like letters and then place them together side by side in Photoshop to form a 3 letter word. While doing this activity, I learned that pretty much anything could be turned into a letter if you took the picture from a specific angle and focused on a certain section. After finishing this project, I kept seeing letters everywhere.