Locating Place: Book

Locating Place: Book. This book was made as part of the Locating Place Project for Graphic Design III. It explores E. Cesar Chavez Street in Austin, TX. For this project, I mainly focused on the nature aspect of this specific street. In the early stages of the project, I noticed large variety of flowers, trees and plants that could be found while we were exploring the street. I after more exploration and research I came to realize how important it is that nature is present in any given place and in our every day lives.  They are good for our health, aesthetically pleasing and they also add personality to the place in which they grow. Therefore, for my project I decided to choose specific locations that had such flowers, trees and plants that added personality to the place.
Home is a short story I wrote about a little boy that walked around E. Cesar Chavez in his dream looking for a way back home. During his dream he encountered different plants from specific locations that gave him hints back to his home. I based all my illustrations on places where I felt that their foliage added personality and that others could recognize if they visited this specific area of Austin.  I decided that the only color necessary was that of the plants to give emphasis to their presence. I  also decided to use speckle-tone paper and hand bind it using the Coptic stitch  because I felt that these gave a more natural feeling that would match the style of the illustrations and the overall concept of nature for the project.

Overall, I am happy with the final product of this project. While there are some small details that I would change, there is not anything  I am extremely unsatisfied with at this moment.

Animation: Beyond


Beyond was the final video project for animation class. In this video, I included a walk-cycle was well as sounds and music. The project was open to any theme of our choice and I decided to make a video about a girl who goes through a magical door in the forest and ends in a different world where she encounters different creatures. My main characters were a girl and a guy that was based in  a pencil pouch that I have.
I am satisfied with the overall project, however there are a few things that I would need to fix such as some awkward movements and some small oversights in the way the body parts are layered.