For adventure 4, we revisited the games we modified in adventure 2 to play as a tournament. We chose one as a class for this adventure and split into teams of four. The objective of this project was to come up with the team name, color as well as our individual nickname and then have them screen-printed on t-shirts. The team name design was made as a team and the nickname design was made individually.
Our team name was “Infection”. After many iterations, we decided we wanted our design to look intimidating so we used a bold san-serif font and made it look like the shirt was drooping over it as well as the name dripping down. We opted for green as our shirt color to make it look like slime and chose black for the design.
For our individual names, we chose various monsters to keep with the theme of intimidating. My individual nickname was Basilisk. Out team decided to have the name and an image representing the monster. I made the design really bold and simple, but after finishing, I think that I would have liked to add more detail to it.