Phase 1: Brainstorming Phase
After brainstorming for the main topic, I brainstormed for the subtopics and their attributes.

Phase 2: Creating Symbols for the Topics.
Three of the symbols were photo traced, three were hand drawn and three were abstract.

Phase 3: Using the matrix to create symbols
In this phase we used the matrix to create 12 hybrid symbols from the initial 9 symbols we had. We combined photo with hand drawn, photo with abstract, hand drawn with with abstract, and all three for each category. These were the sketches I made to help me decide which ones to combine.

Phase 3 continued: 12 Hybrid Symbols by Using the Matrix
After the sketching previously done, I drew the 12 new hybrid symbols. In class we had a critique where they provided feedback on the ones that they felt were the strongest and they recommended I simplified the strings on the guitars, the details on the dresses and the features on the face with the violin. the This helped me choose 3 out of these for the next stage.

Phase 4: Vectorized Artwork in Illustrator
We turned the three chosen symbols from the last phase into vector artwork.We had another in class critique where we received feedback on how to make each symbol better in craft and overall design by simplifying, scaling and changing stroke weight.

Phase 5: Iteration Process
In this phase, we generated many iterations from each of the three symbols and then chose three for each symbol.

Phase 5 continued: The 3 Iterations for Each Symbol
After generating many variations, these were the three that I chose for each symbol. In the class critique, we voted on which one out of the three in each category we thought was the best. I chose one from each section to polish and use for the final.

Final Phase: The Final Product
This is the final product for this project. The final three symbols from the previous stage were polished and made into one final product.