In the Combine project, we had to choose prompts at random then answer the questions with collages created in Photoshop. We gathered a lot of textures and images for our collages by scanning them in weird ways. I had a hard time making the collage because I didn’t know how to use Photoshop to select specific sections at first.
Monthly Archives: October 2013
Material Studies
Process Book
The Material Studies project was about using everyday objects to create our own typeface. After experimenting with various materials, I chose plastic vampire fangs because I felt it was the strongest out of all the materials I experimented with. Afterwards, I named my typeface “Bitten” because I thought that it represented the essence of the material. For our final product, we turned in a process book with all our research and experimentation and a poster that had the name of our typeface placed in an environment that went with its name and material.
Symbol Methodology