VISU 1311 Project #1: Katelyn_Burch

Gestalt Project:

For this project we were told to shoot on South Congress and to find our own point of view on what we saw. The hard part of this for me was shooting to a somewhat set criteria. I don’t like having to take pictures according to some guidelines. I like to have the freedom to shoot what I want and where I want. Being confined to certain blocks of South Congress was a struggle for me. I found myself just wondering up and down the street having no idea what to take pictures of. I’m from Austin I’m used to this street and although it doesn’t lack its awe I still found it hard for me to walk this and find new ways to shoot this popular street. In the end I found myself with pictures that contain a linear theme. Either vertically or horizontally all my pictures have leading lines. In a way it captures the casual side of Austin while still keeping it interesting with a different perspective.

Repetition, Grouping
Repetition, Continuity
Repetition, Continuity
Containment, Continuity

capture3 capture2


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VISU1311 Project 1: Hadden, Joey

My favorite thing about Austin is the coexistence of urbanity and nature. For this project, I chose to explore this dual element of Austin while applying the Gestalt principles to photography sessions up and down South Congress. In this visual, conceptual exploration, I found that sometimes urbanity is integrated into nature, sometimes nature is integrated into the city and sometimes the two merge equally.  In some cases, this distinction depends on your point of view.  Throughout the project, I mainly noticed repetition and grouping in my photographs.  I used continuity and containment as well, although less frequently.  I enjoyed working with continuity and containment because I found them to be more challenging to apply.

My focus for this project created a thread of aesthetic contrast through each of these photos.  Greens of leaves, bushes, water, and trees are presented against elements of industry from complete buildings to fences and lights.

continuity, repetition
continuity, repetition
repetition, grouping
repetition, grouping
continuity, repetition
continuity, repetition
continuity, repetition
continuity, repetition
repetition, containment
repetition, containment

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VISU 1311Project #1: Sophia Abouelata

As a student feeling like I’ve barely even begun my studies in Photo Communications, I’m not entirely sure what my process as a photographer is yet, or what sorts of perspectives or subjects I gravitate towards. I’m certain of a few things, such as having minimal content in images, and the usage of natural light. But other then that, when I go out to photograph for different occasions, it’s never really with an intent or plan. So that’s how I went about this project. The first time, I wasn’t very pleased with the results. They felt too stereotypical of what anyone could take on South Congress. Having already had several shooting assignments on there in the pass, I was already bored with the subject matter anyway. So the second time around, I went about shooting keeping in mind that I didn’t really want my images to reflect South Congress as a whole. As a result, my images came out very detailed. I also found myself gravitating towards striking colors, and that is ultimately how I created a sort of cohesion throughout my images. Using vibrant colors, that either compliment or contrast each other.

Grouping, Proximity
Grouping, Proximity




screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-8-05-16-pm screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-7-01-09-pm screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-7-28-22-pm


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VISU 1311Project #1:CamilleMayor_MayorCamille

Gestalt Project

gestalt- “an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts”

grouping – grouped by location, orientation, shape, and/or color

containment – creates unity, determines positive and negative space

repetition – the same element/effect over and over

proximity – distance between objects

continuity – fluid connection between parts

closure – implication completed in the mind

As a photo communications major, I am often asked the question, “What makes a good picture?” Often, I respond with something that has to do with the rule of thirds and good lighting. The truth was that I had no idea what makes a good picture, at least, nothing I could put into words. Sometimes, I’d be able to spot a compelling picture, but not be able to explain why it was so interesting. By applying the various gestalt principles to an image or design, it becomes easier to explain to not only yourself, but also to others what makes something good.

My photos tend to have a photo journalistic feel, with just enough creativity and personality to make them interesting. I gravitate towards darker images with an older, vintage feel, and I think that’s why these photos work together so well. In post-production, I gave them some of the same color tones, which is what ties them together.

repetition, grouping








containment, proximity


continuity, closure
continuity, closure





screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-1-15-43-am   screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-1-48-06-am                                                                             screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-10-53-40-pm

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Project #2 – Mykaelah Ortega

This project was very difficult for me since I’m not exactly a cut and paste type of person and need order. After trying several times starting with just trying to make the Guerro sign more interesting I found my pattern. I took these patterns and really tried to push forward with them, creating my final picture which turned into an aztec type print using the cut, paste and layering tools. This project showed me how much you can do with photoshop and how much I have to learn, which I definitely plan on doing.



IMG_0771 copy



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Project #2 Jordan Hughes

These collages were interesting for me to create because the tactile experience and methodology informed the way I constructed them. The digital pieces made me feel overwhelmed with the vast possibilities that photoshop provides.. so in a way I got stuck with those. The final collages were meant as an extension of the first project, elaborating on the sense of surrealism that was created by the minimal, non-descript landscapes and portraits. I wanted to further advance the creepy whimsicality of the original photos by blending elements from each one into the next (by working on all of them simultaneously)

There is one that is not pictured, it was turned in today (11/09) but I didn’t get a chance to scan it. (will add it asap)

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Taylor_Diaz VISU1311 Project 2

This project challenged us by requiring that we deconstruct our South Congress photographs and create something new with them. I decided to go at the project from a few different angles, including geometric shapes being glued in no particular order in no particular shape. I had a lot of fun getting out of the box with these collages, and found myself doing scary things I would have never chosen to do at home. I flexed my finger muscles stabbing hundreds of holes into an image and stringing sewing thread into the details of the image. I think this has been one of my favorite projects so far, and I am starting to think I will be exploring collage much deeper in my personal art at home.

I took scans of my hair on the scanner bed as well as scanning some cool trash I found on south congress between Lucky Robot and American Apparel. I enjoy the darkness of the hair scans because they contrast greatly from the images I took on South Congress.

2015.10.30 Hair5 copy-01


2015.11.05 hair scan.-01

2015.11.05 hair scan.-02

2015.11.05 trash-01


20151105.trash-04 20151105trash-06


20151105trash.07 20151105trash02

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VISU1311 Project #2: Clara Ewert

For this project we were asked to deconstruct our images that we had taken on South Congress to create new ones in the form of collages. This, to me, was incredibly challenging. I was overwhelmed by all that I could do with my images both on photoshop and by hand so I felt immobilized. After discussing this with my professors I created strict guidelines for myself so that I could work within a constrained area. Through this I created the collages below. I picked images that I hadn’t worked with before, and scans that I thought might fit with the images. For each collage I picked three images, and a scan of something I had found on South Congress. When working with these images I discovered that through collaging I could get far away from anything that looked or felt like South Congress. This project became a refresher because as predicted, the street can become old. In this project we took our own work and reconstructed it into something that felt like nothing like the street the images came from.

Project #2 Collage 1 Clara Ewert


Project #2 Collage 2 Clara Ewert


Project #2 Collage 3 Clara Ewert


Project #2 Collage 4 Clara Ewert


20150831-20151025_Collage 3
Project #2 Collage 5 Clara Ewert


20151025-Working Collage-2
Project #2 Collage 6 Clara Ewert



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VISU1311 Project #2 Amy Tondre

This project was definitely a lot harder for me compared to the last project. I had a hard time creating images that I found interesting or satisfied with. This was mostly a learning experience for me and it challenged me to go outside of my comfort zone. I did not go out and shoot more for this project and I am glad I didn’t. I had plenty of left over images from the last project that I was able to use.The one aspect I was drawn to on S. Congress was the buildings and the architecture so I had a more narrow focus on creating new locations in my collages. As you can tell, my final two collages and my formal exercises are nowhere near similar and they really don’t show an evolution into the two images I decided to have critiqued. My formal exercises were based off of the idea I had that I wanted to cut shapes out of my images in the shape of water or liquid and then place an image beneath those cuts to act as the water or liquid. I did all of these collages digitally and originally wanted to only create digital collages, but I found that I didn’t find those images compelling enough and flat, so for my final two I combined both digital and physical collage. Both images went through a process of trial and error. At first both were completely digital, but as I realized that my images were not interesting and I was unhappy with them I began cutting them up and gluing pieces to create a more 3-D effect. In the first image I cut the shape out of the white paper and then used the left overs as the two triangles pointing towards the middle. I did this to create a sense of movement. I then taped the metallic wrapper behind the cut opening to give it a futuristic aesthetic to it that I was trying to achieve. The second collage went through a similar process; I cut off the white border and then cut shapes out of the image and then glued them back onto the image. My main focus for this image was continuing with that futuristic aesthetic and creating a more structured object. I liked playing with the negative space and closure to create a more engaging image. Overall my project was a total work in progress from start to finish. I did a lot of revising and redoing to create images that I personally found interesting and adequate. I learned a lot about how my artistic process works and how I create images.



Final Collages

Formal Exercises

Screenshots/ Found Objects


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