Here are links for your coursework:
Reflective Essays
The essay(s) will be used to aid you in discussions during class and will assist you to think about projects from a different point of view. The connection between the materials here and the project will not be explicit, it’s about discovery. Complete reflections on your PERSONAL BLOG. All posts are to be posted by class time on given due date.
DUE: Class #2
Read the following selection surrounding ideas of CREATIVITY and MAKING, write a reflective essay and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #1.
DUE: Class #3
Read the following selections surrounding ideas of CREATIVITY and MAKING, write reflective essays for each and post them to your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #2,
Hara What is Design
DUE: Class #5
Watch and write a reflective essay and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #3.
Amy Tan Ted Talk
Dan Brackage
Song Exploder: Michael Kiwanuka
DUE: Class #11
Read and listen to the Medium is the Message and write a reflective essay, and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #4.
01 – McLuhan, Marshall and Fiore, Quentin – The Medium is the Massage – An Inventory of Effects
DUE: Class #13
Watch the following selection surrounding ideas of Synergy and Harmony, write a reflective essay and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #5.
Guitar Moves with Keith Richards: “There’s Two Sides to Every Story”
DUE:Class #19
Watch the following selection surrounding ideas of Synergy and Harmony, write a reflective essay and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #6.
Film Pulp Fiction on reserve on Munday Library, on Netflix as a DVD and Hans Richter, Rythmus 21, (1921) 3 min.
DUE: Class #21
Watch and listen to the following selections surrounding ideas of, write a reflective essay and have available to use as a post for your blog with the following title entry: VISU1311: Creativity Blog #7.
RadioLab, Beyond Time
David Blane Ted Talk
The Way Things Go: looking for updated link