Chloe Curiel-VISU 1311: Project #2

Harmony in Collage

scan 10

For there two collages, I focused more on using the found things and trash I picked up on South Congress. When making these image, I was thinking of human consumption and how what we take into ourselves often define who we are. I used the glove, thread, and found advertisement to show carnal consumption and give the image a kind of creepy gory movie feeling. I felt that these different materials really worked together despite their varying textures and connotations.

All Black Everywing

Another concept I was thinking about was how the things people consume can change the mood of a person, or even give them character. The cup the man was holding matched the cups I found on South Congress, and the image of the cup really communicated consumption to me because the cup is a vessel for consuming things and can serve as a representation of intake. I was also thinking about how when people consume things, they gain power, energy, and ability to do extraordinary things. Using the cups as a substrate seemed to tie the image together through color and content.


3 starting collages:

scan 1

scan 9

scan 7

The rest of my scans:

scan 5

scan 2

scan 3

scan 4

scan 6

scan 8

scan 10




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Color Settings

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Exporting as TIFFs

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