In this first project I started out kind of confused on what I was suppose to produce. Over time it became clear to me when I started to visit South Congress. I started off taking pictures of things I thought where visually appealing. When I would get back and look at my pictures I saw some gestalt principles in all of them but as a whole they where very scattered and did not go well together. When I went back out I knew I wanted to take pictured of plants of focus on that only. I thought it would be interesting to take pictures of the weeds that grew in-between the sidewalks. Those were my initial thoughts going into the project.
I needed to work on my explanation of my work so it actually has meaning to others and me. I knew what I wanted to say but I had a hard time putting my thoughts into words. The critique I got as a whole was very useful. I now know that I need to work on explanations of my work and how to relate it back to the project as a whole.