This is one of my favorite pieces. This picture holds a lot of containment. The black negative space surrounds the neon lights. The evident contrast works in the signs favor. It draws more attention to is grouping.
Similar to the first picture, this arrow demonstrates containment and continuity. The fact that this is an arrow and it draws your attention to follow it serves it purpose to the public. with closure.
This is the same image in black and white, and is still aesthetically pleasing. I loved them both so decided to add it. It reminded me of Alex and how she watches videos without the sounds first. In this case its appreciating the image for the base itself before complimenting it with color.
Neon lights are definitely eye catching. As my last neon piece, this picture represents containment, and continuity. It works with negative space to enhance the red tones. It serves as continuity for its position and placement, forcing ones glance to the tip of the sign.
This was also one of my favorite images. This picture represents Gestalt. Repetition, containment, grouping, proximity, continuity and closure. This is actually a bench at a bus stop. The five bars lined side by side angles towards the hoops is repetition, along with the two hoops which are in fact arm rests. The unity in this picture is containment. The picture itself looks like a horizon and the loops take shape of a sun. The background of the dim sky do in fact make it seem as the sun is setting which works hand in hand with my picture. The grouping is similar for several components give it a figure ground. (Sun and bench). The proximity of this picture can be both coming towards you or away from you and is up for interpretation. Lastly, the closure of this picture makes it seem as if the lines keep going on indefinitely.
I’ve past this area before around noon, and never did it stand out to me as it did when I went around seven. This picture serves a perfect representation of repetition, proximity and continuity. The bokeh created by he christmas lights are equally separated from each other and meet at different point at the same distance from each other. From beginning to end, left to right the lights are repeated. The way the lights are placed makes you want to follow as well.
This was the hardest picture to take. These are straps on a bus. This is a good representation of repetition, proximity and continuity.
I love the contrast of these colors and the overall picture. The stairs serves as repetition and proximity. The image also represents continuity.
The negative space is perfect here. This is closure. There is nothing to focus on but the sign and the American flag.
I am very happy with how this picture turned out. The hard contrast between the colors is beautiful. The piece is made up of polka dots, which serves as repetition and proximity and closure.
These are stamps.Grouping, containment, and repetition are evident in this picture.
This very interesting lady was able to represent repetition. Her multiple striped tank tops show proximity within the shirts. It makes the audience want to search for more striped shirts.
This cool design represents repetition, and continuity.
This picture of an eagle demonstrates repetition, closure and proximity. Similar patterns throughout the body of the bird is repeated. You can make out shapes in the wings that resemble the fave of the eagle and the distance between everything is even.
I really appreciate the warm colors in this picture. It illuminates the repetition and proximity greatly.
There are several forms of repetitio, proximity and continuity in this picture. From the tire rims, wires and red frame you can easily detect the properties.
This is similar to the previous picture. Repetition, proximity and continuity are shown here.It is a bit cleaner than the previous one and more evident.
This picture has a very organic feel to it. Containment, repetition, proximity, and continuity are all involved in this image.
It may not seem like it at first, but several components are here. The eyes, teeth, and cheeks show repetition. Everything is proportional in proximity.