Ethics Sites
The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living — Socrates, as reported in Plato’s Apology.
General Sites
- Ethics Resources This site is mostly lectures and written material created by Danney Ursery.
- Ethics Updates A great site which provides extensive resources on moral problems as reproductive technologies, euthanasia, issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. and contains extensive material on ethical theory and on-line full text of most major works in moral philosophy.
- Episteme Links More philosophy resources than you can imagine, even sells t-shirts
- The Ethics Connection, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Applied Ethics Resources – A meta-site for biomedical, business, computer information, environmental, professional, and science and technology ethics
- Center for Professional and Applied Ethics – A good site for information on ethics. Definitely worth a look.
- Center for Advancement of Applied Ethics, Carnegie Mellon University – The focus is on research and development environments that deal with teaching people practical methods for analyzing and responding to real ethical problems.
- The Center for Ethics and Leadership at St. Edward’s University. This site supports our own Center for Ethics.
Business Ethics
- Institute for Business and Professional Ethics at DePaul University, Chicago
- Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions, Emory University
- The Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions, Indiana University
- Josephson Institute for Ethics – A good exam of the commercialization of ethics.
- Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions – This Center was established in 1976 for the purpose of promoting education and scholarship relating to the professions. There are links to a code of ethics database and the Center’s newsletter and library are also available.
- Wharton Ethics Program
Additional Sites
- Disability Ethics
- Center for Bioethics, Disability
- Animal Rights Resource Site
- Institute for Global Ethics
- Human Rights Watch
- Environmental Ethics
- Guide to Philosophy
on the Internet - Danney’s Philosophy Sites. A collection of sites focusing on philosophy in general.