By: Romina


Every year, spring means that the cold winter months are past us. This should signify a new beginning for our mind, body and soul. This is when spring cleaning should be done to refresh the space around us and clear out mental space to improve our everyday lives. This includes what we consume, what we read, what we watch, what we listen to, and who we talk and spend our time with. Take a moment to reflect, where do we put our energy and attention?



Our attention and energy is sacred and should be reserved for things that make us feel good. Turn off anything on the TV and stop scrolling on social media for hours which in turn may make you experience feelings of anxiety and self comparison. These things not only take too much of your time and induce negative emotions, but also cause sleep problems, create stress and anxiety and negatively impact your life.  



Clearing out the junk food from your home will get rid of any negative temptations that may creep up on you. Conscious food choices are the key to having more energy throughout the day. Clean and whole foods will fill your body with plentiful vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein and healthy fats, which improve your heart and brain health, assist with weight management, build a stronger immune system and increase energy levels. Whole foods boost your overall brain power and improve your overall quality of life.



Ditch the unhealthy media consumption you consume daily that leaves you feeling uneasy and replace that with books that provide wisdom and inspiration. Reading helps expand the mind and give us more ideas. Reading has been proven to keep our minds young and sharp with studies showing that reading can even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some brain-fuelling books:


Edited by: Marilyn





