Asking for help
By: Marilyn
Asking for help and being vulnerable can be scary, however, don’t be scared to ask for help. Depression is often isolating, having an outlet and people who support you is an important step in the process of getting help. We understand taking that step and asking for help can be a hard one, but disclosing your illness can help others support you in a difficult time. Remember, only share what you are comfortable sharing.
How loved ones can help
Loved ones can help in many ways. They can help by distracting you, by being an outlet, or even just a shoulder to lean on. Having people you can lean on for support is essential. When your loved ones are aware of what you are going through and experiencing, they can check in with you, and ensure you are doing well. While telling a loved one may be scary at first, oftentimes it’s important to remember your loved ones’ care about you and your well-being. Some ways loved ones can help
- Help you find professional help
- Being a listening ear
- Checking in on you
- Keeping you distracted by going out to eat, or hanging out
- Keeping you company
- Helping you find support groups
In addition, if you are a student or a worker, letting your teachers/employers know you are going through mental health challenges can help them understand. While you don’t have to fully disclose all details, letting others know you’re going through things helps others understand and have compassion for your feelings.
Learn to be okay with saying you’re not okay
Many times people are nervous to reach out to others because of the stigmas surrounding mental health. In order to get help, it’s important to admit you are struggling and understand that it’s okay. It’s okay to not be okay. Depression looks different for everyone and finding the right support group, self-care tips or therapist takes time. Sadness is not a weakness, it’s human life and emotions. Letting yourself feel the emotions you are feeling and riding the wave rather than shoving the feelings down will help you cope in the long run.
Treatment options
As mentioned before, mental health looks different for everyone. Finding ways that help you are essential. There are so many options for everyone to explore, it’s just about taking that first step, finding what works best for you, and sticking with it. Some options may include
- Different types of Therapy (in person or online)
- Natural remedies ( acupuncture, meditation)
- Support groups ( this can be online or in-person!)
- Hotlines
- Self-care
- Changes in lifestyle
- Medication ( if prescribed by therapist/doctor)
Bottom line
Your mental health matters, it’s important to take matters into your own hands by stepping up and asking for help and trusting others to help you. When you feel safe and comfortable to do so, disclosing the mental health challenges you are facing can potentially open a door to lessening the symptoms. Always remember, you matter, people care about you and your well-being.
Edited by: Romina
March 25, 2022 at 1:37 am
I like how it was pointed out that depression/not being okay looks different to everyone, it’s important to cater care to our own specific needs.
March 28, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Thank you for your comment! 100%, everyone’s needs are different and it’s important to know what’s best for each individual person.