Saving Energy in the Winter

With the temperatures frequently dropping, a majority of us will spend our times indoors all cozy and comfortable. It common for us to consume more than some of us like to admit. However with these helpful tips you can decrease the amount of energy you use throughout those cold evenings in February. Being eco-friendly is a year round chore! 


Helpful Tips

1. Avoid messing with the thermostat: We all fall victim of feeling either too hot or too cold, which in turn makes us turn the temperature up and down throughout the day. But, keeping the temperature in your apartment at a consistent level helps you not only save energy, but also money.

2. Draft proof your windows: Try using foam from plastic of metal to cover the frame of your window to avoid letting in those chilling breezes that roll through during the night.

3. Invest in energy saving LED-lights: Though it may be a little expensive, you can find these lights anywhere at Target or some DIY shop in town. Investing in these can help develop the habit of turning off lights when you are not using them.

4. Clean, clean, clean: Your air ducts are probably filthy and haven’t been cleaned in awhile. The more dust our vents pick up, the harder it is for the system to distribute air into the home. This also helps in not getting congested and sick.

5. Enjoy sun when it’s around: Go outside during one of the those “beautiful” days during the winter for your health. When it is sunny out take advantage of that and open up those curtains. The warm air will be a free filler that will leave you comfortable.