Texas Clean Energy
Clean energy is a conversation that is both important and crucial to the way in which humans take care of the Earth. In the state of Texas there is a heavy presence of the oil and fossil fuel industries, but there is also a growing presence of the wind and solar industries. The growth of these industries is easily brushed under the rug, but we want to bring clean energy to the forefront of conversations about Texas energy sources.
Taking into consideration the size of Texas, it is important to think about what kind of impact that Texans can make by switching to clean energy. There are already towns in Texas that are making the transition to energy sources that are better for the environment. Georgetown, Texas is the largest city in the US to be powered by renewable energy sources.
So, why does it matter?
Everything is bigger in Texas. That includes the environmental impact that Texas has on the world. Texas contributes to 3.16% of greenhouse gas emissions for the United States. For reference, check out this chart provided by World Resources Institute of how Texas compares to other states. When using renewable energy Texas can really lower its carbon footprint.
The future Texans depend on it. Creating energy sources that will not run out for future generations is important. As the fossil fuel industry dies, the renewable energy can flourish. Texas has the opportunity to be at the forefront of the renewable energy wave. Coal fired power plants are going to continue to shut down, and the wind and solar energy industries will continue to grow.
There are 7 types of renewable energy sources: Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Hydroelectricity, Ocean, Hydrogen, Bioenergy. With this long list of energy sources it is possible to take the steps to move away from fossil fuel based energy.
“In 2017, wind generated about 15 percent of the electricity in Texas, up from less than 13 percent in 2016, according to the Energy Department.”-Houston Chronicle
The progress that Texas is making towards producing better energy sources is constantly evolving. There is so much land potential that can be used in Texas, and we at the Texas Green Rangers encourage you to get out there and learn more about what kind of energy sources are available to you.
To learn more today about the different types of renewable clean energy sources, go to this composite list provided by Sunpower in 2018.
Texas is a state that has already started to produce clean energy, so it is crucial for you to do what you can to help! Start by following our Texas Green Ranger accounts that will keep you updated and in the loop with the important information.
You can find us on Twitter @TexasGreenRangers1 where you can plan on seeing weekly updates and helpful resources on how you can help our state become greener. Another source to look to if you have any questions is our Facebook group. It will be live in a few weeks so stay on the lookout for it, we hope it will be a place where you can connect with others in the Green Rangers community