On my way up the cliff to watch the sunset, I stopped to look in the pools. There had been rain in the past week which brought more life into these temporal aquatic habitats. Today I could see more than just dead algae, there were dark colored mosquito larvae bobbing from the surface. From there I followed the path to the cave and noticed the amount of litter in the area. I did not see any signs of the birds that I had seen before. The great thing about the greenbelt is that it is divided into many sections and there are many ways to get there. It is important to remember that if it wasn’t for those 1960s protesters who petitioned to save the greenbelt from development, I would not be able to enjoy it today. There are many benefits that we get from the environment which the policy makers lobbied to save. Food, water, fuel, fiber, and genetic resources are just the beginning of the services that nature provides because it is also where we get culture. Nature is an escape from normal life in an urban setting, and it a source of inspiration for artists and the religious. What keeps the greenbelt protected today is Eco tourism which brings people from all over the world to a place where they can experience biodiversity that is completely new and landscapes that are unique.
“Cease being intimidated by the argument that a right action is impossible because it does not yield maximum profits, or that a wrong action is to be condoned because it pays.”
― Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac