Famous Youtuber, Sukkari Gives Tips and Tricks on How to Live a Waste-Free Lifestyle

Meet Sukkari! Sukkari is an environmentalist and advocate for sustainable living in Riyadh. In her home, she has NO trash! Yes, I said what I said, she has no garbage, and she doesn’t even use a recycling bin. Sukkari lives her life by promoting ways that you can live a more sustainable life at home, and she does this by limiting the amount of plastic usage and composting. 

Sukkari’s home

Compost is essential in Sukkari’s home Sukarri has compost in her bedroom for plant leaves. She has a second compost in the kitchen and the third compost in her garden. Sukkari relies heavily on having composts around her house as an alternative to typical trash bins.  Sukkari strongly believes in living a waste-free life, and throughout her youtube video, she illustrates ways she can do it. 


 When it comes to clothing, she buys used “clothes.” she believes that clothing companies that prioritize ethics are environmentally friendly. She always makes sure there is nothing wasted, and recycling plays a significant role in her life. Her shoes are made of plastic recycled bottles, and when she doesn’t need a piece of cloth, she makes it as wiping instead of paper. Her socks would be reused to clean plants. Even when she cleans the clothes, she uses Indian natural products to clean naturally. The products can be used 5 to 7 times and then, she put them in the compost to be decomposable.  

Food without plastic  

To keep up promoting environmentally friendly living, Sukkari makes her food at home too. And all the spices and other food necessities she buys are in wholescale so she can put them in her own glass jars. She even goes further to make her species and food, if possible. For example, she makes her own yeast and milk.  As for having water, she uses and refills a water filter is essential so that she doesn’t have to go out and buy/use plastic bottles. She has two water filters, one for the fridge and one for regular use. Go Sukkari on limiting plastic usage!

Sukkari outside home

Furthering the idea of limiting plastic usage, every time Sukkari goes out, she brings whatever she may need, so she doesn’t use plastic. Sukkari has a wooden fork, a wooden spoon, and a reusable bottle of water. She also carries around a wooden straw that is made of bamboo and a basket that she uses if she is going to a bakery for bread. Sukkari always makes sure to inform workers in the stores she visits to not give her a plastic bag or copy of her receipt that way, she does not contribute to plastic or paper waste.  

Sukkari does not find her life difficult as many people around her think. She strongly believes that everyone is responsible for the environment, and the more we care about it, the more human we become. So check out Sukkari on youtube and learn about ways you can live a waste-free life too! The link below to Sukkari’s short documentary.

To watch Sukkari’s short documentary.  

Also, talk to us on Twitter! We would love to hear from all our Envirojunkies!

Beginner Composting Basics

Did you know that when you combine our food scraps and yard waste together, they make up more than 30 percent of what we throw away in the trash? I mean seriously, 30 percent! This is such a high percentage, which could be totally reduced by composting! We can do better than this, plus there are so many cool benefits that come from composting, so, that’s why I’ve put together a basic guide for anyone looking to start up this great hobby! 

Compost Storage 

There are two types of composting, indoor and outdoor. For indoor composting, it is best to buy an actual composting bin. Many places like target, Walmart, and Amazon all sell composting bins and have plenty of options. The main tip if you use indoor composting is to make sure to keep the area clean and manageable so that it won’t attract any pest. As far as outdoor composting goes, you can use a variety of things to make a bind, wooden planks, bricks, whatever works for you should be fine. Just make sure that you choose a dry, shady spot for your compost. 

Getting Started

To get a compost bin started, there are three things required, browns, greens, and water. Browns include things such as dead leaves, tree branches, and twigs. These things are in charge of providing carbon in your compost. 

Greens are pretty obvious. Materials such as grass clippings, vegetable scraps/waste, fruit scraps, and coffee grounds are all part of the green category. Green materials provide nitrogen for your compost. 

Water is important for composting because the moisture is there to help break down the organic matter in the compost. 

Benefits of Composting 

There are many benefits to composting. First, composting plays a very positive role in our ability to naturally enrich our soil by helping the soil retain moisture and to limit plant disease. Because of all of this, composting reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers, which is absolutely necessary. Composting also promotes and encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi. 

Finally, one of the biggest benefits is that by composting, it helps reduce methane emissions from landfills and drumroll please…..LOWERS YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT!! 

So, it is clear that composting is one of the best ways to really enhance your sustainable lifestyle and a great hobby to take up as well. However, it isn’t just a hobby, it’s growing in our restaurant industry. In fact, on the local end, many restaurants in Austin have started to switch to using compostable to-go containers, awesome right!? It is so important that we stay committed to continuously work towards a lower and lower carbon footprint and composting is an awesome way to do so! I mean, now that you know the basics, aren’t you SO ready to get started?! 


