Sustainable Living

What is Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is what we use to describe a lifestyle that encourages refraining from using too much of the earths natural resources in order to restore and save these limited sources.

Go here to calculate your ecological footprint!

  • Tips for a Sustainable Summer
    The summer is about to begin, and that means more sustainable tips from the Enviro Junkies. Like any season, the summer has positives and negatives when it comes to sustainability. We will show you the advantages and find solutions for the challenges.   1- Stay hydrated with a reusable water bottle  During the summer, the temperature … Continue reading
  • Affordable Sustainable Home Guide
    How to Make Your Home More Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start when wanting to make some changes in your home. Whether it’s redesigning your living room or cleaning out your closet, sometimes you need some help with knowing where to start! Fear no more, the Envirojunkies are … Continue reading
  • Earth Day 2021: Nature Walk
    Happy 51st Earth Day, Envirojunkies! As we begin to celebrate our beautiful Earth today, let’s take a moment to reflect upon some Earth Day history. Lately our country has felt somewhat divided politically, rarely finding a middle ground on issues. However, Earth Day was conceived as a unified movement made between a Democratic and a … Continue reading
  • Earth Health, Why You Should Care
    Who’s ready to kick off Earth Week! Let’s talk about the importance of caring and taking care of our Mother Earth. Whether you live a sustainable life or not, it is always important to understand and appreciate the Earth since it is considered quite an essential part to our survival. (Cough Cough) Air Pollution, where … Continue reading
  • 5 Eco Friendly Products You Can Buy Today
    It is no secret that plastic is one of the leading causes for marine pollution. According to an article posted on, the world now produces more than 380 million tons of plastic every year. Most of that plastic ends up as pollutants entering our natural environment and oceans. This is why it is important … Continue reading
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