Recycling 101: Can I recycle this?

Sometimes, you just don’t know if you can or can’t recycle something. There are some tricky products out there! Here’s a roundup of some of the toughest products to figure out.

Still unsure? The safest thing to do is toss the item so you don’t contaminate the recycle bin. You can also email the Office of Sustainability and we can point you in the right direction.

All office paper
Shredded paper
Colored paper
Post-it notes
Junk mail
Tissue boxes
Paper towel and toilet paper tubes
Aluminum yogurt tops (make sure they’re clean)
Glass jars and metal lids

Plastic single-use plates
Used paper plates
Paper coffee cups (they have a liner that you cannot recycle)
Wax paper
Mirror or window glass
Light bulbs
Ceramics, dishware
Broken glass
To-go food containers
Plastic coffee cups or drink cups