Green caffeine

Most of us start our day with a jolt of caffeine (or two, or three). Your coffee habit can go green with just a little effort.

If your office uses k-cups, swap to compostable options. In the past few years, the offerings have really expanded and you can even find tea in compostable pods. The Office of Sustainability drinksĀ San Francisco Bay, with completely compostable cups, and can vouch for its taste. If you prefer whole beans, pick organic and fair trade certified coffee. Don’t forget that you can compost the grounds after.

Drink that cup of joe from a reusable mug. You’ll cut back on waste and save money in the process. Don’t forget that you get a discount at Jo’s Coffee on campus when you bring your own mug.

Using your own reusable mug is a habit so don’t get down on yourself if you forget to pack your cup every now and then. It’s a long-term change that can help make a difference.