MSEM Student’s experience attending the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference 2016

By Ana Quevedo, MSEM Student and Sustainability Graduate Assistant

I was fortunate enough to have been selected to form part of Minorities in Natural Resources (MINRC) 2016 students, which enabled me to attend the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) annual conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  SEAFWA is an organization formed by state and federal agencies that manage and protect natural resources in 16 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Every year MINRC, SEAFWA Subcommittee, awards minorities students a scholarship to attend the annual SEAFWA conference. Not only do the students have the opportunity to attend the conference but also there are field trips, career development workshops and unique networking events that allow students to meet professionals in their field of interest.

I was able to meet other 19 students from different universities in the Southeast. Everyone had a different background and had something unique to offer to our diverse group.  Even though we were all introduced to high-ranking professionals and were able to network with many people in the conservation field, I think the most important connections we made were among our student group. We learned that in the conservation field is very important to back up each other, and that in one form or another we all cross paths.  Through the five days we all spent together we shared valuable information with each other and tried to help each other out, acknowledging we are all working toward a common goal, which is protecting our environment.

My days in Louisiana as a MINRC student are definitely a milestone in my career; I networked, acquired technical knowledge, made friendships, developed my professional and academic skills, and had fun while doing so! Every fall they take applications and I would highly encourage all undergraduate and graduate students to apply for this unique opportunity! The next SEAFWA conference will be Oct. 29th-Nov. 1st in Louisville, Kentucky.