Please Help Reduce the Record Strain on the State Electrical Grid

This post was originally shared by Austin EcoNetwork:

This has been a week for the record books in Texas. Energy usage has been at an all-time high and the state electric grid is feeling the strain. Grid operators are now asking people to reduce their energy use during the peak demand hours of 3pm to 7pm. Here’s what they suggest:

  • Avoid using dishwashers, hair dryers, coffee makers, and laundry machines during peak hours
  • Turn off all unnecessary lights, appliances and electronic equipment
  • Close all blinds and drapes to block out the sun and keep your home cooler
  • When away from home, give your air conditioner a break by setting your thermostat to a higher temperature

Austin Energy also set a new record for energy demand during peak hours this week, breaking its old record by just over 20 MW. However, the utility’s strong commitment to energy efficiency has kept these energy demand increases relatively low. Austin Energy already has a goal for itself to achieve 800 MW of peak demand savings through energy efficiency and demand side management by 2020. These efforts can save the utility from paying for new energy generation, protecting both the environment and our pocket books.