Meet the Next St. Edward’s Sustainability Champion: Diana Orta

We’d like to introduce you to our newest Sustainability Champion: Diana Orta! Every two weeks, we will be revealing more champions, so please visit the page and keep your eyes out in Horizon for the announcement. Help us give a big thanks to this eco-friendly individual, and let her inspire you to become more sustainable!

Diana Orta, Executive Assistant to the VP of IT: You and your family make smart, sustainable choices by shopping locally and choosing healthy, cruelty-free foods whenever possible. When the farmers markets aren’t open, you shop at a food co-op and try to buy all organic products, even down to your toothpaste. You’re curbing greenhouse gas emissions by being a vegetarian for many years, and using the eco-friendly cleaning products that line your shelves. You’ve instilled the importance of recycling in your 5 year-old and 2 year-old by encouraging them to participate with you and your husband.  You carry this sustainable spirit into the office by purchasing Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance organic coffee, as well as ecofriendly cleaning supplies, dishes, cutlery, and biodegradable K-cups. And when you choose to dine on campus, you have a reusable clam shell from Bon Appetit. Thanks for all that you and your family do, Diana!