Going Paperless – A More Sustainable Campus

In the past 12 months, the Business Office and Human Resources have made great strides towards a more sustainable campus by undertaking the following paperless initiatives:

  •     Converted the final 100 employees receiving paper checks to paperless
  •     Replaced paper paystubs with email notifications
  •     Replaced paper timesheets with on-line time-keeping system
  •     Converted paper adjunct contracts to digital files
  •     Identified paper management reports to be replaced by digital reports or to discontinue
  •     Automated the creation of funding and compensation records for full-time faculty

Most of the forms can now be found on the Business Office page and HR Office page. These initiatives have resulted in significant savings throughout the university. The savings just for the Business/HR offices in terms of sheets of paper, time and supply expenses are quantified as follow:

  •     96,000 Annual sheets of paper saved
  •     450 Annual labor hours saved
  •     $7,900 Annual supply expense dollars saved