Blog Post

“Straight Outta Chevy Chase” is a Radio Lab segment that begins explaining how Peter Rosenberg is living in an environment where he doesn’t fit in. I felt a personal relationship to this because I felt I didn’t belong at a school when I was younger, and it led me to feeling bullied and eventually leaving the school. The segment goes on to explain a beautiful message that can be relevant in countless situations; the concept that with the passing of time, we grow further and further away from the origin of anything, whether it be a memory, a feeling, and a tragedy. The concept of hidden truth that Hollis explained in her presentation is expressed in this, as our memories will sometimes hide what truly happened.

In relation to a person’s being, everyone is unique, and therefore nobodies talents can be easily defined. If memories are altered, then stories are altered, but no matter what, people never say any unwritten story the exact same way. For me, telling stories is a crime as I am usually the only one laughing, but writing stories? That is a different ballpark. It’s the same with art. I love photography but if I am given a camera and am told to take pictures of anything other than the sun rising over the cost or the mountains swooping down, as though the trees would never end, then I will not excel. When I see beauty in nature; I see art that is worth preserving for the rest of my life.

4 thoughts on “Blog Post”

  1. Writing Descriptive Essays
    Descriptive essays allow writers to vividly portray a person, place, object, or experience. Writers should engage the reader’s senses through detailed descriptions, appealing to sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch, to create a sensory experience for the reader.

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