Blog Post #6

Part 1

For each class ask yourself the following:

My greatest strengths in English include: creative writing, memorizing definitions, and communicating! For greater success in this course, I need to: spend more time editing my work and become less attached to sentences that hold me back. My greatest strengths in Typography include: open mindedness, interest in learning new material, and great connection with professor. For greater success in this course, I need to: learn how to use space and make my art more simple and clean. My greatest strengths in Intro to Communications include: my willingness to embarrass myself for a good presentation, my interaction in the class, and my open personality. For greater success in this course, I need to: research what part of communications I am the most interested in! My greatest strengths in Ecology and Environmental Systems include: my prior knowledge in the subject and my interest in the environment For greater success in this course, I need to: read the textbook more frequently Computer skills: My computer skills include: being able to work many Microsoft programs and somewhat being able to Adobe programs (work in progress) I still need to learn: more about Adobe programs Research & writing skills: My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include: creative writing is my strongest suit, but I improved greatly on research based writing in my English course this semester. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing: having a better idea of my “voice” in a research- based paper. I learn best & accomplish most when: I am shown, I am helped hands-on, and when I am given different levels of trials, like “rough drafts” ACTION PLAN Choose one class that you are struggling with or are not doing as well as you could. Well Visual Studies was this class for me; I could have made more of an effort to explore what I could photograph on S. Congress because frankly I have never felt less artistic inspiration. 2. Spending more time reflecting on myself for what I wanted to learn from the course. 3. I could have switched professors 4. I could have asked more classmates for help and advice 5. Spending more times on the reflections 6. Taking care of my time management 7. Getting more rest 8. I could have been a better artist 9. it seems I probably would have benefitted from cutting about 8 hours of work out of my 3D project since my teacher did not like my use of different materials. 10. I could have defended myself and classmates less so the professors would not have had a distaste for me.

part 2


I could edit this.

7 thoughts on “Blog Post #6”

  1. Essays are more than just words on paper; they are gateways to understanding, exploration, and expression. Through essays, individuals delve into topics, presenting ideas, arguments, and analyses. Crafting an impactful essay demands not only creativity but also professional sop structure and clarity. From brainstorming to drafting, each stage refines thoughts into cohesive narratives. Through revisions and edits, essays transform into polished pieces, ready to engage readers and provoke thought. Thus, essays stand as vehicles for communication, enlightenment, and intellectual growth.

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