Anna Palmer Sharp
Graphic Design Minor
Saint Edward’s University
Should I change out of my Pajamas Today?
In Fall 2017, I learned many skills and created a few projects in Tuan’s Graphic Design 1 class. My favorite project I made in the course was my Cognitive Map which was a girlie take on a daily decision making process. This is one of my favorite pieces I have made of all time because it is simple, balanced, and unique.
The piece uses only one type face, which I downloaded, which compliments the overall lighthearted, dainty feel of the project. I tried to keep the font size consistent, as well as legible. The different graphics I used are ones I wish to use in the future, all original and made through Indesign which has been my favorite program that I have worked with in my courses since this particular course.
As well executed as I feel this map was, before I were to publish it, I can see many ways I could improve it. One thing I have been working on the past two years is spacial awareness with me designs. It bothers me how the face mask and the j are touching, and how my scale is a little high up in its bubble. Overall this was my first design that I felt could be used and adored by others, and it taught me a lot about how my creativity can be honed in to be used in a professional setting.

I believe in Aliens & They have been to Earth
Image Methodology in Spring 2017 was definitely one of the hardest classes I have taken at St. Edward’s University. I learned how to apply my designs to create plots, matches, and zines. My favorite of these projects was my Zine because it was one of my most difficult accomplishments yet.
The use of typography was shown more in this project than the others I have chose to write about, and I think the messages as well as the use of the space.
I think I could have made more use of the space in the classic zine since, perhaps expressing the type in numeric form as well as using different weights.