Juan Andres Aberle


WiP Project Assignment 5 Step D

  Documentation of your final presentation (you can use the photos from part C) or other significant work you have done on your project so far. A personal reflection on the final project/presentation. What new insights did you gain?  What… Continue Reading →

Blog #4

Our group is focusing on the Wicked Problem, Food Security. Some of us have interviewed people related to the topic and have discussed how we can use that information towards creating our final project. We have decided that we want… Continue Reading →

Blog (Project Assignment #3)

I realized that a lot of people in Austin do not really know about wicked problem, especially food security. When I interview them, I interviewed HEB customers, I realized that people think that since Austin is such a big city,… Continue Reading →

LLC Lecture (Dr.Kennedy)

Photography is a very powerful tool that a lot of people tend to overlook. Using photography can help me record information and understand data while studying Wicked Problems. While listening to the lecture I understood the famous phrase “A photograph… Continue Reading →

Where Am I Eating?

Food Security System

2. Distribution 3. Food Transportation 4.a . Grocery Stores 4. b Food Banks 5. People   It is important to observe and analyze every step of the Food Security Process when investigating the Wicked Problem. Each and every step is… Continue Reading →

Week 4 Reflection

As a group we decided to investigate about food security and how it affects the city of Austin. We thought it was the most interesting and surprising Wicked Problem, it is surprising how a lot of people in a well… Continue Reading →

Austin CAN Presentation on Sept 12

I found that Raul Alvarez talk was very interesting and it helped me understand some of the aspects that are incorporated in a Wicked Problem. I was surprised by some of the information in the presentation, unemployment in Austin has… Continue Reading →


Hi. This is my first post!

Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog at St. Edwards University Sites. To get started, simply log in, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. For assistance, visit our comprehensive support site, check… Continue Reading →

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