
Bearing in mind that for our wicked problem we are focused on crime, I figured an attorney would be a great candidate for the interview. I decided to reach out to an Austin criminal defense attorney, Rick Flores. Rick Flores certainly had a unique perspective when it comes to crime, which gave me a whole new insight to the issue in the process. For instance, before the interview I hadn’t thought of teachers or students being stakeholders involved, or how crime is intertwined with the human brain and emotion. After getting Rick Flores’s feedback I realized that crime is a lot more complicated that what I had assumed. Especially here in Austin, with the rapid population growth because the more people an area has, the more prone the area is to criminal activity. After the interview, I do feel like I have a better understanding of the issue in relation to Austin. Knowing what type of people are affected by crime, what are the main reasons for crime, and some history about it surely brought up new questions that as a group we must think about now. Ultimately, I understand that crime is something that can’t entirely be eliminated, but there are things that can be done to decrease the crime rate in Austin, all of which will be beneficial to Austin residents and the community as a whole.

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