
This projects objective was to create a catalog showcasing the work of a designer. I chose to create a catalog for Kiko Farkas, a Brazilian designer. He uses a lot of color, typography, and collage in his work. I wanted to focus on his posters for the Sao Paulo State Symphony. He and his studio were tasked with making posters over a three year time period. They made over 300 posters in their time working for the symphony.

I decided I would showcase 8 posters. Half of the posters were just two colors: black and various bright colors. They all were made with what seemed like brush strokes or drips. I wanted to focus my design on the collage aspect of his work, so I decided to create my own collage with these 4 posters. They would overlap in order to merge 4 different posters into one. For the second set, I chose posters that were similar in color to the first set. I wanted my catalog to be able to fold in a puzzle-like way as well. Farkas mentioned in an interview that he finds his work to be like a game and I wanted to emulate that playfulness. The two poster sets would line up together to create yet another new image.

For the cover, I chose a black crinkled paper to not only accentuate the collage feel, but to hide the inside playfulness until the last moment. I wanted the reader to have no indication of the contents of the catalog, continuing the game of the design.

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