Blog Post 9

During the presentations by the St. Ed’s alumni, I think I gained some valuable information into a few different versions of the standard process from college graduate to “real world” career. Alejandro described his path from school into graphics and gaming, mentioning his use of internships which helped him make the social connections that essentially lead him to the career he is in now, working for SXSW. He emphasized his interest in gaming, even prrior to college, and took a leap of faith into something that most people might have only considered a hobby and now he spends the majority of his life inthe gaming world, understanfing the users, the mechanic intellect and the means of marketing.
This kind of process is not one that I think I personally would be able to fully utilize due to my chronic shyness, an extreme inability to kiss ass, my difficulty in standing out and my unintentional complacancy with whereever I am in life/careers (which might hinder my want or ability to climb up the career ladder).

Anthony described a journey where he mainly utilized websites that allow you to host your own freelance business in easily accessible ways. With the help of many different “starter-upper” websites, dedicated time for passion works, and a great deal of trust in himself, he has gone on to continuuosly build up his clientelle in which he is able to make a ton of little amounts of money from many different quick projects that now support his creative career. While this seems like the easiest, most self-paced way to the top, it does require a lot of self-monitoring and essentially a lot of determination to do what you need to since you aren’t technically reporting to or working for anyone above your head.

Finally, Edith descirbed her path to the real world which is one that I think I relate to the most, since she is still not completely on a specifed path, even after graduation. While this isn’t to say that Edith has been unsuccessful, by any means, but she definitely admitted to being a little bit unsure in her place in the working world and in her art’s purpose. Instead of strictly following some elaborate plan to success, she’s kind of just gone with the flow, taking advantage of every resource her university and her peers have to offer, going out on limbs to try things she wasn’t necessarily comfortable with and finding new opportunities to further learn about herself and her style. As someone who is more than half way through college, hasn’t even developed her own sense of “style” in her art, isn’t even 100% sure what her preferred medium is, and doesn’t have even the slightest idea of what her career might be or how it might incorporate art, I most definitely see myself following an Edith-type pattern where I just do the best I can for as long as I can until the pieces start coming together.


These are 3 possible internship opportunities that either start late this year or next; some that might help me jump start my career path out of college:,Job&jvs=Indeed&jvk=Job

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