VISU 1100 Blog Post #12
Kim Garza
Kim Garza in an app maker, adjunct professor, music and film collaborator, and was a graphic design major. She showed us her on going projects like her interpretive piece based on Till The Clouds Roll By.
Tammie Rubin
Tammie Rubin is a ceramists and a professor at St. Edwards. In her personal projects uses plastic objects in a satirical way. She mainly focused on the basis of her work and showed us pictures.
James Shern (sp????)
James is a photographer and enjoys taking images of strange or accidental forms, like the scuff marks from skate boarders.
I did not enjoy this class, but that’s because this is my second Freshman Seminar class. And I greatly disliked the other class. My feelings toward this are not from the professors personally, it’s all because of my last experience that I dislike this and found it a bit of a waste of time at some points.