Dominos Twitter and Facebook Page Continuously Engages Audiences

Hello fellow bloggers. I’ve realized that I haven’t covered a good social-media food campaign for sometime on my blog and thought what better company to feature than the revitalized Dominos brand. Recently, Dominos took their pizza brand and centered their campaign around their customers, specifically customers who were not satisfied with their pizza. This was a daring move for a company that had already established success on a large scale. This campaign spoke to me specifically because it told me that Dominos cares about what I think and what I have to say about their products. This is why brands invest time and innovation in social because they want to be able to speak to their audiences, and interact with the people their business values the most. I thought that Dominos would be a great brand to focus on within the social-space, specifically their Facebook and Twitter pages.


The Twitter page for Dominos pizzais home to 22, 218 tweets, 169, 760 followers, and follows 12, 856 accounts. The pizza account hosts many mouth-watering twitter pictures accompanied by catchy tweets. Pizza-centric hashtags the account utilizes include #dominosdelivery #lavacakes #ovenbakedsandwiches #panpizza and #pizzaparty, to name a few. Other hashtags the company uses, that are more Twitter-friendly, are #thatsjusthowweroll , #winning, #humpday and #notachance. Besides catchy hashtags the company’s Twitter account is actively used and maintains a variety of tweets. I noticed that Dominos tweets about 2-3 times a day, impressively including the weekends. It seems that Twitter never sleeps so the fact that the company is still actively posting during the weekend is helpful to making connections, but also helpful in reminding users that Dominos is their best pizza option during the weekend. I also noted a number of retweets, @replys, twitter pictures, and informative tweets including pizza deals. The Dominos twitter account seems to effortlessly navigate the Twitter realm.


Next I went to check-out the Dominos Facebook page which is very similar to their Twitter postings. Their Facebook page is home to 8, 159, 321 likes. The page has tons of likes including fellow Dominos Facebook pages including, Dominos Australia, and Dominos UK.  These page-likes are a great way to remind audiences that Dominos is an international business and can be found in other countries around the world. Twitters pictures and Facebook pictures are pretty much the same, and remain totally  yummy through both social platforms. Yes, that means the Dominos Facebook page includes tons of pizza food-porn, and since I am a sucker for all things pizza theses pictures are highly effective  in my opinion. The Dominos Facebook posts can generate thousands of likes and hundreds of comments, making Dominos a brand that is well-liked amongst the Facebook community. This is a huge accomplishment for Dominos, considering the tough competition within the food industry.


Overall the Dominos social-media campaign through Facebook and Twitter compliment their successful previous campaigns that seek quality customer interaction. Both of the accounts stay active in updating their accounts throughout the work week and the weekend. I give high-marks to Dominos for continuing to pursue audiences throughout the weekend because big-brands have the authority to choose not to continue to engage audiences. Since Dominos obviously values their audiences and consumer interactions they are continuously tweeting and posting to maintain this valuable relationship. Dominos has managed to create a social-media campaign that successfully reaches audiences and engages consumers. In my opinion, the company has done a fantastic job at showing audiences they value what they say. As I have said before, I love it when brands get it right, and Dominos is definitely a brand that knows the advantages of consumer-connections.


Until we meet again…..

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