Social Media has increased the way of communicating beyond borders!

Today my weekly blog will be focusing on how thanks to the social medias, we are able to communicate beyond borders. Which on of my main focus on of my blog. I will be talking today about an article that I found an article written by Ingrid Lunden. It was published on monday, may 14th 2012 but the (ITU) aka The International Telecommunication Union. This article is talking about how much the worldwide has been hooked on social medias for several reasons! “ITU says in a new report that that the number of people using all social media services have passed the 1 billion mark.” They are also mentioning the three top social networking and how much worldwide users do they have: “Facebook (900m+ users), Twitter (200m+ users) and LinkedIn (120m+ 150m+users) — the rest of the playing field is heavily localized, with services like QQ in China, Vkontakte in Russia, Mixi in Japan, and Google’s Orkut in Brazil, India, and Paraguay among those competing in the space, the ITU notes.” It is also reporting that since the smart phones has appeared in our societies, the access to social networking has become more faster and more easier at any location you are located. Even Facebook has agreed on it: “Facebook has been telling us: mobile is fast becoming the main way that the vast majority of people are using its service.” They also add “That’s partly due to the fact that, although broadband usage continues to grow, the number of fixed broadband subscribers is still nowhere near the majority of households in most countries. ITU notes in the last five years, the number of fixed broadband users has nearly doubled, and by early 2012 they stood at 591 million — in other words, equivalent to just over half of the number of all social media users.” On the other hand, not all the population do have access or have either never had the experience of using the internet. It is the case in poor countries where it is very difficult to have access but not only, it is also very expensive. “ITU notes that developing countries have penetration of as low as 4.8 percent of users. Industrialized countries, it says, have average penetration of 26 percent. Part of the problem remains the affordability of broadband services: in Africa, for example, the average monthly price for broadband is still more than three times that of the average household income. Overall, there are still 5 billion people worldwide that have “never experienced even low-speed Internet, or have only experienced it through public or shared access.” it is also the same when it come to mobiles devices internet access. “only 8.5 percent of the population in developing countries had access to mobile broadband in 2011, with only five percent of global use coming from low-income countries.” To conclude I think that the worldwide population have a huge impact on social medias yet we must do not forget that it is not as big as we can imagine because they are many places on earth where internet access is truly very limited or even do not exist at all.
There are now 1 billion users of social media users worldwide

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