The Future of Google Reader and Google News

The Future of Google Reader and Google News

Today my post will be focusing on a article that was written in March 16th 2013, by Mickael H. This article talking about what the google industry has planned for his future of the news products such as Google Reader and Google News. Google announce that it will be time for google reader to be “retired”. They don’t want to make google reader completely disappear but they want to find a way to put it in a Reader API within google or might might be redirected to Google+ even some of the workers has been moved to on Google+. It might possibly be copy that some companies as well like Feedly or Digg. I do believe that Google want to drag Google Reader News into Google+ because most of the RSS sources has already Google+. They think that the transaction would be much more easier for everyone. They also talked about how Goggle News Reader is such a killer product to use on your mobile device that allows you to follow all the update news you want on your selected topics thanks to the realtime coverage. Indeed it seems that the future of Goggle Reader and Goggle News are in good hands and will be part of a 3rd party apps. The good news is that Goggle Reader ain’t going to be taken away forever but rather being redirecting into Goggle + for more easier updates and realtime news products for anyone that would like to use it or continue to use it.

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