We wouldn’t be a nutrition blog if we didn’t have at least one blog post about the necessity of water. Water is an essential component of not just a healthy living but living in general. Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface and comprises about 60% of the human body. There are many reasons why everyone talks about water, here are 4 that we think you should keep in mind.




On average 60% your body is water, and that water plays a vital role in helping to maintain and regulate the body. Water in the body helps with digestion, circulation, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.  Severe dehydration can cause rapid heartbeat, fever, low blood pressure, in some cases delirium, and, in the extreme, organ failure.

2. Hunger Stopper


Water is the ultimate non-calorie beverage. If you’re dieting or simply trying to eat less, water will do the trick. Water and foods that contain a lot of water (fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, beans) will help you feel full and in turn eat less. Additionally, water and water rich foods are absorbed slowly so that full feeling lasts longer.

3. Skin-Care


Your face with vs without water

Drinking adequate amounts of water have been shown to improve hair and nail strength, brighten cloudy eyes, and smooth dehydrated skin. The skin acts as protective layer and is the largest organ in the human body. Properly hydrating will improve the condition of this organ and will visibly improve its appearance.

4. Bowl Movement


Although you can’t replace fiber in your diet, water acts as a great supplement to healthy bowl movements. When your body is dehydrated it extracts water from anywhere it can find it, and one of these places is your stool. When dehydrated the colon pulls water from the stool leading to constipation and difficult bowl movements.


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