Whether you are a pro, club athlete, or simply an active person your body needs that right fuel to perform. Most people often train hard in the gym or on a field to improve their athleticism and overlook the importance of proper nutrition for performance. These 5 food items are just some of the many that any active person should be consuming to improve their athletic performance and health in general.

  1. Bananas 


Most athlete are aware that bananas are great pre and post workout snack, but do they know why? Bananas are a natural source of electrolytes and sugar which your body burns during laborious activity. Bananas are great boost of energy before any strenuous activity, and an alternative to processed sugary energy drinks. Bananas are also perfect for post workout munchies. One cup of Bananas (152 grams) has about 537 mg of potassium which “plays an important role in electrolyte regulation, nerve function, muscle control, and blood pressure.” Potassium is also important as a preventative of muscle cramps and spasms.

2. Ginger


Most people look to ginger when trying to quell an upset stomach, however, a  recent study by published by the American Pain Society in 2010 suggest that the consuming 2 grams of ginger daily has positive affects on the reduction of muscle pain by 25%. This makes ginger a healthy and natural food for athletes looking for either relief from exercise induced muscle pain or a boost in their recovery time.

3. Quinoa


Protein intake is essential for any active or athletic person. Proteins are the building block of muscles and help repair the muscles after strenuous activity and promotes muscle growth.  1 cup of cooked Quinoa has about 8.14 grams of protein.

4. Avocados


One of the many diet myths circulating is that in order to lose weight all sugars and fats must be cut from your diet. Although it is better to lower your moderations of sugars a fats, they are also an essential part of an athletic diet. It is also important to know that there are good sugars and fats. Avocados are an example of a good source of fatty acids.

“First and foremost, avocados are an extremely concentrated source of energy and nutrients. Although they are high in calories and fat (approximately 290 calories and 24 grams of fat in an average-sized avocado), most of their fat content is from “good” types—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated—which help lower bad cholesterol, promote lean muscle growth and keep you satiated longer.

One avocado packs an inordinate amount of energy, to boot. It contains up to 15 grams of fiber, more than any other fruit, and nearly 20 different vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including beta-carotene and vitamins C, E and B6. Avocados are also loaded with critical electrolytes like potassium (60 percent more than a banana) and magnesium, which contribute to proper cell and muscle function—vital for an athlete.”



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