Today many celebrities obtain social media profiles to engage with their fans and the public. However, in recent years celebrities are using social media as a PR tool. The use of social media allows celebrities to intentionally “leak out” information to create celebrity gossip. As a result, the celebrity gets to appear in all the tabloids and acquires fame. Celebrities accomplish this through a classic PR model called press agentry/publicity. The basis of this model is to send out communication and cause “hype”. This PR technique is very common among celebrities. In fact recently, there was a lot of speculation that pop-star, Miley Cyrus allegedly used a similar technique to increase her fame. Cyrus rapidly underwent an identity crisis. The pop-star  went from being Disney Channel Star, Hannah Montana to a wrecking hot mess.

Cryus began getting her name in the tabloids when she launched her music video ” We Can’t Stop”. In the video she appeared with her dramatic haircut, “twerking”, and with giant teddy bears. As soon as her music video was available, there was a dramatic response from the press, her fans, and disturbed individuals. Miley’s name quickly appeared on all social media sites. People were tweeting, sharing statuses over Facebook, and blogging about her. Later, at the VMA’s Miley had another dramatic moment.


She twerked on national television while performing a duet with Robin Thicke. This performance alone had an estimated about about 300,000 tweets per minute. The pop-star continued to gain attention when she repeatedly reported that the “new her” was a part of her revealing her true identity. She made these claims through social media networks, talk shows, and interviews. Although one can make the arguments that Cryus clearly used press agentry/publicity to increase her fame, others claim she did not and rather agree that she’s just trying to display her true self. Nevertheless whether it was actually the celebrity being herself or if it was PR, social media and its developments will affect the continued growth of PR.



February 9, 2014


   Social media is changing everyday. A primary example is the world’s largest professional social media site, LinkedIn. Originally, social media sites were solely developed to connect with friends, family, or for other interpersonal relationships. However, LinkedIn decided to create a social media site with a different approach. LinkedIn was developed by Reid Hoffman in 2002 and was launched in May of 2003. It is a great source that connects individuals professionally in a workforce environment. LinkedIn is one of the largest professional, global social media sites.


Its success is driven by its ability to allow its users to discover professional opportunities such as, business deals or new ventures. Additionally, it offers its users tips, insights, and latest news they need to succeed in a designated career or job. LinkedIn currently has about 250 million users. This social site is particularly great for expanding one’s network in the workforce. It allows individuals to apply to current jobs that adequately pertain to their interests, degree, or skills. Also, it is a great way for recruiting employers to connect with potential employees. Other than its amazing connectivity, LinkedIn is 100% user friendly. It offers users a step-by-step process in signing-up, creating a profile, and in familiarizing themselves with the website (LinkedIn). LinkedIn is an incredible site that is great for students fresh out of college as well as, for those employers that are searching for that suitable employee. So join now, it’s free!


Credits: LinkedIn. LinkedIn Corporation, 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2014.   <>.

This source was used to access information about as a social site. It was used to provide the historical and statistical information used above. I am in no way promoting or representing LinkedIn. Thank You.

Social media has changed our world completely, especially in the way we communicate. For many years, social media has been used to connect, establish, or maintain relationships. However, in recent years many companies and organizations have used social media as a marketing tool. As a result, many are at a constant struggle on how to effectively use and promote their products or services on social media sites. Here are some useful tips on how to effectively use social media to promote products or services.

To begin, one must primarily decide what social site(s) would be the most suitable. In choosing the most appropriate or effective social media site, one should consider a few things.

First, you want to know what are the most popular social sites. You want to use a site that is going to have most active users. The more people view your products, product info, or ads the merrier. According to Social Media Today, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the top 3 most popular social sites.

Second, you want to know how much information about the product/service you can display. Some social sites such as, Twitter can limit the amount of information you post.

Lastly, you want to have a target audience. You want to make sure you’re using a social site that your audience is already part of. Therefore, it is recommended to know your audience.

After deciding what social site(s) to use, one should effectively know how to use the designated site(s). There is nothing more crucial than having an active account and not knowing how to post information, or worse how to engage with other users. In fact, some sites have an introductory video that shows you how to use the site. If this is not option, take the time and do your research. GOOGLE and YouTube are great sources in guiding you through the appropriate steps in learning how to do a specific task.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the adequate social site, you have to learn how to reach out to your audience and keep them engaged. Learning how to post is key to effectively using social media. In promoting, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with excessive information. So you have to learn to create engaging, effective posts that contain a decent amount of information. This is essential because you want your users to view and read your posts. If you don’t post the adequate amount of information, most users will remove you from their feeds and as a result, your hard work will go to waste.

All in all, these are some useful insights and tips to consider in using social media effectively as a marketing tool.

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