Humans of New York

April 13, 2014


With more than 4 million Facebook followers, Humans of New York is a famous photoblog that provides the social media world with a glimpse of the lives’ of random New Yorkers. Humans of New York was founded by an inspirational individual named Brandon Stanton. Stanton created HONY (Humans of New York) in the summer of 2010.  What Brandon thought would be a cool and creative hobby turned into the most popular meaningful blog. His blogs include a photograph along with a short excerpt of the lives of random strangers he encounters.


“Do you remember the saddest moment of your life?” Probably sitting at the kitchen table with my dad, an hour after my mom died, realizing we had to figure out what we were going to do for lunch.”

Stanton’s passion for photography has gained him the ability to share his talent with millions and impact social media in many different aspects. Brandon has proved that we can utilize social media for many other reasons. Those reasons go beyond gaining popularity to become the next celebrity, trend, or top product. Beyond the cyberbullying and the invasion of privacy. Brandon Stanton shows that we can use social media to build a network that promotes kindness, charity, and empathy, in which can ultimately help lead a better life for all.

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