How To Get Visibility On Your Blogs
April 6, 2014
There are about 60 million blogs on one site alone. Now, imagine what the total would be if we combined the total of blogs within all blogging sites. How many blogs do think there would be? I think we could all agree that the amount would be enormously large, right? So the question is how do you get others to view your blog entry, out of the billions of blogs available? Here are some tips to consider.
First, you want to write a clear, concise, and memorable blog. You want to make sure that you get your point gets across clearly and as short as possible. Now a days, people are at a loss of time. No one is going to sit and read a story of a blog. Also, you want to make your blog a memorable one. If you give your readers a reason they will come back and read you blogs on regular basis. So give them that reason.
Next, use keywords, phrases, and tags. When using keywords, use words that are popular among the web. There are websites (i.e. google trends, google adwords) that can assist you in looking up the most popular or most searched words online. After selecting your keywords, you will use your selection to create unique short phrases.
Most bloggers just use the selected keywords and use them as tags. However, this is a disadvantage. Why, you ask. Well, using the most popular words can decrease your chances of getting noticed because once again, there will be a vast number of blogs using the same keywords as yours. Ultimately, you want to set yourself apart. Therefore, you should use the selected keywords and create a unique phrase.
Once you create a unique phrase, your final step is to incorporate the phrase into your tags. Tags are important because they are words, phrases search engines use to relate to your blog. Hence, when people search for things on the web the tags are used and if your blog relates to the search, it may appear on the suggested results.
With that being said, I hope you find these tips helpful!