Facebook’s Fight for User Privacy
March 21, 2014
Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg leads the call for action for Facebook and other tech companies in demanding the U.S government to establish privacy laws for its’ users.
Zuckerberg called President Barack Obama to express frustration over the NSA surveillance.
He claimed that the NSA (National Security Agency) has taken the internet to a different level through their new program in which allows the NSA to impersonate users and hack into people’s computers and inject spyware. In addition, that the proposed NSA reform is moving too slow.
According to various media outlets, Zuckerberg claimed that “hacking” is a major concern and demands action.
He argued that the hacking and violation of privacy has resulted in upset, confused users and could potentially result in the loss of users.
Zuckerberg claims that Facebook’s security engineers work hard to improve security to protect its users from criminals, not from their own government.
Therefore, Zuckerberg had no other choice than to take affirmative action and advocate for Facebook’s and other tech company users’ privacy rights.
As a result of the dispute and the call, President Barack Obama met with the Facebook founder and other tech executives and discussed the U.S Government’s spying tactics.
During the meeting, Obama updated the executives on the steps the Obama Administration has taken since Obama’s January 17 speech that discussed the government surveillance reform.
In addition, Obama updated the executives on the White House work of exploring “big data” and privacy.
After the meeting, the administration posted a new form on the White House website, in which enables visitors to express whether they feel their personal data is protected online.
Meanwhile, Zuckerberg and the other executives wait and play the waiting game in hopes of calling it a game over for the NSA’s spy game.