Taking the Facebook Thrown: Is Instagram The New Facebook?


Over these past few weeks I have dedicated my time to conducting couple of surveys of JMR. I am really trying to get into my target’s brain to see when and where I can post a picture/status about JMR without being to pushy. The results were kind of scary/yetfresh. Although my survey was a bit small I really did try to get a diverse crowd to get a well-rounded response. Well, people are starting to prefer Instagram. Yes, many might say Facebook owns Instagram.. Literally, Facebook bought it but… I think we know in this case Mark Zuckerburg has favoristism for his one of this children… Facebook.


The answers were almost unanimous.. “I don’t even get on Facebook anymore, I prefer Instagram.” It could just be a trend similar to other apps that have tried to take Facebook’s thrown. No one ever seems to be able to do it, but I think we might have a winner. Well, winner or no winner I started listening to my target. I am always.. somewhat constant at keeping up with my platforms. I do admit HootSuite has made this so much easier. But, of course like many other things sometimes it is just too hard. Well, for a week I said I would post two pictures a day. One between 11-12 and one between 3-5. Just over that week orders spiked on the website. I also posted the pictures on Facebook but people that asked for things kept referring to the Instagram posts. Well isn’t that something.

What do you guys think? Is Instagram the new Facebook? Has someone really some to take the Facebook thrown?



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