The World’s Most Successful Big Idea Campaigns

Upcoming posts from this blog will feature Big Ideas. Below are a list of successful ad campaigns from over the years and the agencies behind them. Much like the ideas themselves, I have kept this list short and sweet. Check out this post by D. Drew Design for a more comprehensive look.

Avis: “We Try Harder” by Doyle, Dane, Bernbach

Nike: “Just Do It.” by Wieden & Kennedy

Volkswagen: “Think Small” by Doyle, Dane, Bernbach

DeBeers: “A Diamond is Forever” by N.W. Ayer & Son

California Milk Processor Board: “Got Milk?” by Goodby Silverstein

These phrases have entered the cultural lexicon and are, in some cases, rarely even associated with the client who originally commissioned the campaign. Their longevity and widespread success serves as a standard by which any existing or potential advertising can be measured. These are the Big Ideas.

Volkswagen was thinking big when they told the world to think small.