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Break into PR


PR Daily’s Mark Ragan sat down with three PR executives, Gemma Craven, the EVP Social from Social@Ogilvy, Nora Walsh, the director of PR for Pierre Hotel, and Siobhan Aalders, the EVP Head of Technology Practice at Ogilvy Public Relations. They gave some great tips for breaking into the PR industry. You can watch the video below or read the bulleted list of the main points I have put together.

Breaking into the PR industry:

  1. Find people you admire and connect with them. I would say this is the most important point. These days, it is all about who you know. Find the people that you find to be amazing at what they do and talk to them. Whether it be through social media or in person. Follow these people on Twitter and watch what they do. If you do get a chance to physically talk to them, ask them about their path and how they got to be where they are today. Make lasting connections.
  2. Be a great content creator. This is also a big one because as a PR person you want to be able to keep the attention of your audience. If you don’t create great content, you will lose your audience. As a student, you want to start working on this now. Become an excellent writer and continue to write. Start a blog or keep a journal. Whatever you do, don’t ever stop creating great content.
  3. Be able to tell a good story. You have to be able to, again, keep your audience interested. If you can tell a good story, you will be great within the PR industry. We have to be able to keep our clients happy and the public happy and that requires us to have a good story ready at all times.
  4. Find the industry your are passionate about and make yourself a specialist in that field. Whether it be PR or some other industry, make it your life. Join organizations, get a part-time job, get a full-time job in the industry you love. Once you figure out what that industry is, learn all about it. Keep up to date on what is happening in that field. Read about it, study it, and live it.

Click the link at the top to see the short snippet PR Daily wrote about the video. You can also find the video on PR Daily’s article linked above.

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