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Nail the PR Internship


This has to be the most helpful post about PR internships out there. PR Daily News compiled a list of 15 of their best posts on PR internships. These include tips on how to get an internship and how to have success in your PR internships. Use these posts to help you succeed in getting an internship. It even includes tips on what to do at the end of your internship. I clicked deeper into these posts and the first one had a list of 50 tips for a successful internship.

When you are preparing to apply for internship, first, pick a few places you want to apply to. Don’t just apply to one, because it may not work out and you don’t want to be left with no internship at all.  Once you have selected a few, go to their websites. Learn more about the company and what they do. Search for the company on Twitter. Start following them. Retweet some of their tweets. Once you are ready to start applying, look at the requirements for their internship and make sure it will fit with your schedule. Make sure you have a solid résumé. If you are in school, make use of your Career Services department. They can review over your résumé and give you tips. Also, create a cover letter just in case. Some companies ask for one. Just make sure it is specific for each company. Now you are ready to start applying. Now you wait…and wait…and wait. Once you hear back from one, start preparing for your interview.

Dress for success. Here is what to wear:

Here is what NOT to wear:

These helpful images were provided by Tarleton State University.

If you dress like the What to Wear, you will already be one step ahead of the game. Know about the company before going into the interview. Be polite and prepare with some questions beforehand. Have a smiling face and shake hands firmly. If you are dressed appropriately and have a smile on your face, you will set a good first impression, which is key. Nail the interview and you just might get hired.

Use the tips on preparing to get an internship to help you nail it. PR Daily provides more helpful tips for after you start your internship. Use resources to help you succeed in the start of your career. You just might become super successful.

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