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Millennials Can Network Too

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Networking is my main focus for this blog. Networking is one of the most important things when it comes to your career. The more people you know, the better off you will be. I have addressed how important it is to network to get where you want to be. However, sometimes our generation doesn’t know the best way to do it or can make a few mistakes along the way.  PR Daily, one of my favorite places to get articles from, posted about millennials and networking. The article teaches us what we shouldn’t be doing during networking.

1. Get off your phone. We all have a tendency to be on our phones, all the time. I mean we can barley sit through an hour and fifteen minutes of class without looking at our phones. So set aside two hours to network without your phone.You can do it. I promise. Try not looking at your phone in class once and then go to networking event without your phone. Hey, it might even be a good idea to “forget” your phone at home; I know that’s a little scary.

2. Ditch your friends. I know it is easier to network with your friends around, but try it without them. You may actually meet more people because you weren’t caught up talking to your friend. I love my friends, but you don’t always need them.

3. Ask fun questions. Be a little humorous. Don’t just ask pointless questions like, “Are you hiring?” or “How did you hear about the event?” Get to know this person based off of them not what they do. Don’t be boring. Networking can seem boring sometimes, but make it worth your time and enjoy yourself.

4. It’s not about numbers. Did you get everyone’s business card? Well that’s not good for you. It’s not a competition to see who can get the most business cards. Get 2 or 3 and really get to know those people. You may end up with an internship or a job from those 2 or 3 people you met.

So I realize sometimes these things may be difficult, but just try it out. Go to a networking event once by following these rules. If it works out, go to more. Before you know it, you could be landing your dream job.

For more tips check out the article on PR Daily News.

For other networking tips check out these other articles on PR Daily News:

1. 13 most nifty tips for networking

2. Networking: 7 tips for striking up a conversation

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