Social Media that helps you succeed

Get More Followers

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Starting a blog can be difficult, but when you start making connections with people, it becomes a whole new world. I’m blogging for my Social Media for PR class. Apart of our blogging assignment is to extend our network by following people on Twitter and blogs and getting more people to follow us. This is a big part of learning more about social media and PR. The more people you follow who have careers in PR, or any job for that matter, will help you network with these people online. You never know when one of those people might post about a job or an internship. You might be able to snag your first job just from following someone on Twitter or commenting on their blog.

PR Daily posted about 5 Ways to Attract Social Media FollowersThese 5 tips will help others find you and gain you more attention. These tips will help you get a head start on gaining more followers. The 5 steps are:

  1. Be specific.
  2. Check the metrics.
  3. Search social media.
  4. Adjust to trends.
  5. Produce content for your ideal customer.

Although these might be more helpful for someone who already owns a business, college students can follow these as well. For the fifth tip it is more specific to businesses. However, college students can post content that relates to their hopeful career. The more you talk about PR to show what you know, the more beneficial it will be to you.

You might start here:

But you could make it here:

It is possible to attract a lot of people, but you want to make sure they are the people you want following you. Surround yourself with experts in your field of interest. Follow those people and get those people to follow you back. Use my posts as a way to help you achieve your dream job. Networking through social media and through face-to-face communication is the best way possible to get where you want to be. So use my blog as a helpful tool in reaching your goal. I hope to take the lessons I have learned and continue to learn to pass on to other college students. I just started at the bottom of my dream job and I owe it all to networking. Although it is more than that, the best place to start is with social media. Start a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a blog and get your name out there.

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